1-So because one model got problem, you generally assumed all Dell sure got problem?Open your eye la!
2-Why don't you checked before you buy that laptop?Just now you wanted to whine?For what?Stooopid aa?
3-It's your problem. What it got to do with me?
4-Before you said you already pass bout this matter. Now what?
My replies-
1-I had opened my eyes long time ago before I bought that P.O.S la. Hmm. Generally Dell is a prestigious brand, but unfortunately they f#cked up this time. Worst is they chose me as sparing partner. Suit their purpose la.As long as there is internet around, all this will be ready to be absorbed by anyone who wanted to know more.
2-Even if I check, you can guarantee there will be no problem?I make a noise so everyone will got a lesson from my stupid act-buy a Dell. Me stupid? So you said everyone bought a Dell and got problem are stupid also? Waaa. How long have you breath in open air? Wanted to try the respiration whatever in the hospital aaa?
3-Yes. Yes. Yes. It's not your problem. But it IS MY PROBLEM! That's why I wrote here and there.
4-How many time we take exam in our life? In school we got 3 big exam, in life, I lost my count already. So you tell me did I or you pass all of the exam?Of course! But what did you learned from all the preparation for the exam? Do you learn Math so then after graduation you just ignore the knowledge?
Same concept with what I'm doing here in this blog!!
Stop buying Dell is a good knowledge for me as the phrase learn from experience.And if you asked me something good advice, of course I give you, including that Stop buying Dell. Only the failure here is when I bought that P.O.S
p/s-BTW since you are so big mouth, can give me or not RM3000, thinking to buy a new laptop la. ASUS maybe? Ok la?