Jumaat, 18 November 2011


1-Now I bought an ASUS A43S. I5, 8gb RAM, 640gb HDD, 2GB Graphics Radeon (screw Nvidia), and 3 USB 3.0 ports. Affordable and satisfied. Screw Dell.

2-I do not know what happened to the XPS M1530 of mine now. Forget it. Life goes on.

3-I keep warning my family, relatives and friends about the intentional hidden problems of Dell's laptop. I did my part.

4-I have to admit nothing is perfect but Dell for sure is rubbish.

5-Do you want to experience of having to replace 2 or 3 motherboards for the same laptop due to the same root problem? Not in a right mind.

Selasa, 27 September 2011

New MOBO doesn't promised a permanent fix

1-My younger brother, which now reside in Putrajaya, took that POS with him there. In intention to get it repair by one of his friend (I am not sure what kind of job his friend is) since they are working in the multimedia computer whatever surround.Bingo.

2-Last week he gave me a call and told that friend of his suggested to change the motherboard (same tired old solution). 2nd part RM800 and new one RM1K.

3-No. I said no but thanks him, but still no. What's the point? The culprit is the NVIDIA chipset. Should change the faulty chipset 1st not the MOBO since it still working fine.

4-Yes, I know some people got burned MOBO(s) with this POS model, so there is a potential for a broken MOBO in the future since the root caused of problem is the NVIDIA chipset.

5-Screw Dell and NVIDIA. I made a promised myself I will never ever bought anything with these brand on it. EVER.

Selasa, 23 Ogos 2011


1-Thanks for anyone viewing this blog whatever your attention or purpose might be.

2-Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri (Happy Eidulfitri/Happy Eid Mubarak) for all the Muslim Muslimat in the whole world.

3-Maaf salah silap (Sorry for everything). Including Dell also? In your dream.

Ahad, 21 Ogos 2011


1-Since I got nothing to do yesterday (today also....), I got an idea. I believe today that most big company should have their official/fan page also in FB. A trend eh?

2-Then I like the Dell Malaysia page after thinking some pros and cons. What do I got to lose?(Yeah, yeah, yeah except that P.O.S(made me lost RM2800!!!!!+RM450+etc etc)).

3-They got this Get Support sub page! Good! I wrote bout my problem there. See below-

4-Surprisingly I saw someone asking bout their laptop problem. Not the same model as mine mind you, but...... See below.

5-See below, again...

6-Looks like some other model also got problem. I am not saying it got the same problem whatever like mine, but do you like an overheating problem then your screen just going black/blank/blue screen of death etc? I don't.

p/s-Click the pics for better view. Sorry, my editing skill suck but Dell sure suck more big big and big time.

Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

While relaxing

........Today I got this email, below, but what for? Hmm.

2-Maybe my Ymail got hacked by some spammer or just Dell got spank in the S?

RE: Case ID: 5235154 #AutoReply# (KMM16944385I23241L0KM)


Thank you for contacting Dell email support.

We have received your unresolved technical issue escalation e-mail request for technical assistance and will respond as soon as possible.

Our working hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm (excluding Public Holidays). Our target response time is in next business day.

All Dell Computers come with free lifetime access to Dell's award winning online support site at:


Here you can:
* Get answers to commonly asked questions
* Download latest drivers for your system
* Inquire about system configuration and warranty
* Contact directly with Dell engineer through the Email Dell System
* Talk directly with other Dell users in the Dell Community forum
* Check out thousands of tutorials and videos on subjects like Windows, gaming, the Internet, and much more!

At Dell, we strive to exceed expectations and provide the highest levels of service to customers.

Thank you for choosing Dell


Dell Computer Technical Support

Khamis, 18 Ogos 2011

Googling around

1-I still got angry every time I remember all the money consumed robbery because that faulty P.O.S. and the problems it gave me. Wish I never buy one.My mom gave me her money for me to buy a brand new laptop back then, but with all the problems now, do you think I can still feel fine?

2-I just search with Google for whether any Malaysian have a same problem like me? Yippa!!

3-Oppsss I should not be happy with someone's problem, but their problem is the same like me- got that faulty P.O.S

4-Here and here. Sorry to hear that guys, but we already got pawned by Dell.

5-In the same time, I got a thinking- Nvidia should get their own share on this. Why? It is their chipset. Dell got the biggest lionshare since they just 'suck to be you' on their poor customer. Not just me okay? I lost count already how many of them, hehehe.

6-Hmm. Next time I going to buy ASUS. Bye bye Dell.

7-Whether I'm going to sell that P.O.S for part just like the links above? Maybe not. I got few ideas in the future. To repair it? Maybe but only after I found a permanent fix only.

8-I found out some people had repaired the mobo 2, 3 or 4 times!!! Not included any other parts like battery,etc.

9-Screw Dell screw Nvidia, my next laptop will never got those brand on it anymore, forever. Make me.

p/s-P.O.S= DELL XPS M1530

Selasa, 9 Ogos 2011

If you are asking me II

1-You said before the screen gone black after loading, but now from the photos you provided, it's already pass not just loading stage and whatever it is, now it seems okay. Huh?

My reply.

1-What do you think was my point when I bought that P.O.S? What people will do with their laptop? Do their assignment, design, surf the net, play game, watching ripped movies, etc.

Same like me. Also I chose high spec and pay big money (RM2800 is the same amount for junior lecturer with Master), for me at least, to do better job than average laptop.

I wanted to play games, games, games, surfing and downloading from the net, watch high quality videos, do video chat, anything. But then this model f*cked up, sorry for the F word, and all my dreams to do list with this P.O.S gone.

At first after all the failure attempt to repair the P.O.S, I already consider to put it 'faraway' from me, but then like it or not, I have to repair it since I extremely need a laptop. I mean a good laptop. That P.O.S was a good laptop before it got f*cked up.

With encourage from my Dad (including financial handy), okay fine, I send it for repair.

After more than 2 weeks (earlier promise by the repair shop was 2 weeks, he he he he....) I got it back. Look fine to me. The screen look promising, I mean no more black screen and hang startup, I thought my problem got ended.

No way. A month later new problem arise. You can refer to the photos here in this blog. Help yourself to understand my point here.

It is useless to repair it and hoping for excellent performance, since the overheating problem will always come around and killed the motherboard.

If I really wanted to repair it again, it just not right now.

I feel so bad every time I think bout all the problems with this P.O.S.

Oh yeah, I already discussed this with my FB friend. Everything-the problem, Ezytronic(the shop which sell me that P.O.S) lack of help, Dell's reply etc.

Spread the words. Let everyone know.

Isnin, 8 Ogos 2011

A break for awhile

1-Need a joke bout Dell? Sure. Dell is A JOKE.

2-You think the coolest clown is Joker? Wrong. Wait till you talk with the Dell's tech. All they said just wanted to make you laugh in tear.

3-A newly dead guy been given 2 option- HELL or DELL. Which do you think he choose?

4-What extra you got after purchasing a Dell laptop?Hottest Motherf@kerbo@rd.

If you are asking me

1-So because one model got problem, you generally assumed all Dell sure got problem?Open your eye la!

2-Why don't you checked before you buy that laptop?Just now you wanted to whine?For what?Stooopid aa?

3-It's your problem. What it got to do with me?

4-Before you said you already pass bout this matter. Now what?

My replies-

1-I had opened my eyes long time ago before I bought that P.O.S la. Hmm. Generally Dell is a prestigious brand, but unfortunately they f#cked up this time. Worst is they chose me as sparing partner. Suit their purpose la.As long as there is internet around, all this will be ready to be absorbed by anyone who wanted to know more.

2-Even if I check, you can guarantee there will be no problem?I make a noise so everyone will got a lesson from my stupid act-buy a Dell. Me stupid? So you said everyone bought a Dell and got problem are stupid also? Waaa. How long have you breath in open air? Wanted to try the respiration whatever in the hospital aaa?

3-Yes. Yes. Yes. It's not your problem. But it IS MY PROBLEM! That's why I wrote here and there.

4-How many time we take exam in our life? In school we got 3 big exam, in life, I lost my count already. So you tell me did I or you pass all of the exam?Of course! But what did you learned from all the preparation for the exam? Do you learn Math so then after graduation you just ignore the knowledge?

Same concept with what I'm doing here in this blog!!

Stop buying Dell is a good knowledge for me as the phrase learn from experience.And if you asked me something good advice, of course I give you, including that Stop buying Dell
. Only the failure here is when I bought that P.O.S

p/s-BTW since you are so big mouth, can give me or not RM3000, thinking to buy a new laptop la. ASUS maybe? Ok la?


Ahad, 7 Ogos 2011

My point

Kreeoww miauuu!!(Stop buying Dell!!)
Yiauuu!!!(Fak yeahh!!)

Plot got thicken

Below is my email with Dell Technical Support. What can I say? If there really a scumbag in this earth, then it exist in the form of Dell's Technician.
(M)-by me
and (DT)-Scumbag or Dell's Tech

10:19 PM

(from oddxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com.my)

Hi.I have Dell XPS M1530. i'm from Malaysia. Bought from a computer shop (Ezytronic-based in Bukit Mertajam,Pulau Pinang Malaysia). This is my 1st purchase on laptop.Now I have a problem with the laptop. The motherboard went to failure since I cannot make it start after the loading and just black screen appeared on the monitor. I make a Google search upon this and find out it due to dead MOBO.

So I went to Dell website and seek for Technical Support help. It request for Service Tag. Now the worst started. It doesn't have the service tag under the bottom of the XPS. So I contacted the shop (Ezytronic) request for help and I'm still waiting for them.Now I know the warranty already out since i bought it in July 2009. Any help for this? I already contact Dell Malaysia customer service but to no avail. Thanks.

Frequency: Every 15 Minutes | Domain: | Path: | Threshold: 1 | Sent: 01/02/11 10:34 PM | All listed times are UTC -6 (in MM/DD/YY format)

Copyright ©2011 OpinionLab Inc. All rights reserved(M)

(DT)Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for contacting Dell Online Support. To assist you further, I would appreciate if you could kindly provide us the system's service tag together with the information below:- • Service tag:( You may look for your service tag in BIOS) -Please follow the step below to go into BIOS a. Shut down your computer. b. Power on your computer, upon seeing the Dell logo, tap on the button to enter the BIOS setup menu. c. In BIOS, at the "Main" tab, you should be able to find "Service Tag" • Contact Name: • Address: • Contact Number: • Alternate Number: (Please provide if any) As soon as we received your request, we will be able to assist you better with your request. Your patience and co-operation will be greatly appreciated. We value you as our customer and look forward to serving you better. Thank you for choosing Dell and have a nice day. Regards, Dell Services(DT)

(M)Original Message Follows: ------------------------

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I really appreciated it.

1-I did follow the step you provide me but to no avail. I can understand since I bought the laptop (XPS M1530) from 3rd party( a shop-Ezytronic and brand new laptop not 2nd hand unit) so there may be a few consequences or risk whatever on my purchased. So there is no service tag with me as a package. (I cant even use F2 tab for safe mode or to use disk repair).

2-I tried also several methods that I found from Google and still did not help.

3-But from my research all around the internet,i find out that Dell can extend the warranty for my laptop model though mine was already expired (I bought it in July 2009). Found that here-http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=329774967502 and I kinda surprise to find all the problems related with this particular model-XPS M1530.

4-Is it true bout the extended warranty and is it still valid?

5-Below is my contact number and address-

• Contact Number: 019451XXXX
• Alternate Number: (Please provide if any)01744XXXXXX
-Model of laptop-DELL XPS M1530, 500gb HDD, 4gb RAM, Nvidia Geforce 256mb.
-Problem- Black screen after loading and nothing happened then( cannot do safe mode, cannot do disk repair,etc). Suspected hardware failure-motherboard.

I should state that I already contact Dell Malaysia(1 800 88 0022) for help but they still insist for service tag even I told them I don't have it. So now what should I do since even Dell Malaysia cant help me?

6-I kind of frustrated since this is my 2nd Dell (the first one was Dell Latitude C640 and still functional and that caused me enough to buy my next Dell-XPS M1530). Yes, I love Dell brand just before the problem happened.

7-Honestly Dell is quite a prestigious brand here in my country- Malaysia. But with this kind of problem, it may reduce the good image before and I may have to advise my friends and relatives for any Dell purchase in the future.

Hope to hear from Dell soon.


Sorry if my words kinda harsh. I don't know what to do with my laptop now. (M)

(DT)From: SA_Escalation

To: oddxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com.my
Sent: Tuesday, 18 January 2011 12:12:59
Subject: Re: TempTag Re: Webmaster: DHS Support Opportunity Case#6062910 (KMM13815597I23241L0KM)

Dear Muhammad,

Thank you for your reply.

I understand that you are still unable to find the service tag in BIOS. As for the reason why we need is the service tag is to proof that this system is purchase from Dell and all of the computer purchase from Dell will have a service tag and that is why when you do not have a service tag, we are unable to help you with anything.

Not to worry, you can send us snap shots of the BIOS, and snap shots of any sticker and every surface of your system and send it to us for verification purposes. Please also send us a copy of your invoice or receipt as proof of purchase. Please be informed that the maximum file size i can recieve is only 6MB and if the total file size if bigger than that , i would appreciate if you could reply in a few emails. As for the picture of BIOS, you can refer to my attached picture on which page i am refering to and it should be almost the same.

As for the warranty extention, yes, not to worry you can still extend your warranty eventhough your previous warranty has expired however, we will need the service tag before any warranty extention can be done.

If you are facing any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be more than happy to assist you.

Take care and have a nice day.

Thank you & best regards,
JC Khaw
DELL Global CSMB Services & Support
Technical Support Specialist(DT)

(M)Hi.Thanks for reply. I attached together here the pictures of my BIOS. You can see yourself even in the BIOS, there is no service tag inserted there. I must state here that I don't have any idea why I don't have the service tag in my laptop's BIOS.(M)

(M)Hi. This is the attachment of my laptop's surface@physical@bar code .The HDD is situated under the left side. The fan is below the screen at right side , the battery is below the left side under the screen.(M)


I already lost the original receipt, but I did have a proof of my purchased. Together here I attached the pics of the;

1-HDD replacement(500gb to replace the original 400gb)
2- the sales receipt
and the
3-company's address.

Again, I bought this laptop(Dell XPS M1530) in July 2009. I asked a replacement for HDD since the original one died in March 2010,since still under warranty then, they send me one.

So this is the only evident and proof of my purchased that I have with me now. Hopefully Dell can help me solved this problem. I really love this laptop and even suggested it to my friends then.

Hope to hear from Dell soon.


Dear Muhammad,

Thank you for your time and effort to give the details as much as possible.

However, I am regret to inform you that information given is not sufficient to proof that it is purchase from us. From the service receipt, it is actually from the retailer himself and not service from our Dell because on the top of the service receipt it is written the shop that you bought it from and not from us. Thus i am sorry but i cannot provide you any support on this.

It is advisable to go back to the shop that you purchase the system from and demand for an explanation on why does the system do not have any service tag because every system that comes from Dell will definately have service tag and as it is for verification and tracking purposes, just like your Identification Card.

Should you have any concerns or questions, feel free to let me know.

Take care and have a nice day.

Thank you & best regards,
JC Khaw
DELL Global CSMB Services & Support
Technical Support Specialist(DT)


I have contacted the shop where I purchased the laptop and asking bout the service tag before I made all this email inquiries to you guys there at Dell.

No. The shop does not helping me at all and thats what make me refer to the manufacturer of my laptop-DELL.

I even asked the computer repair shop in my place but they said they have to refer it with Dell's agent. In the end I cant solve my laptop problem though I did contacted the manufacturer, finished.

So are you telling me with no service tag and not purchasing from Dell online though I did buy a DELL laptop so there will be no help at all with my problem?


(DT)Dear Muhammad,

Thank you for your reply.

Purchasing from Dell online or not does not matter, because we have a lot of other shops also selling Dell computers, but the service tag matters the most because there are cases where stolen unit and fraud happens with unit without service tag. As such i cannot support a unit without a service tag.

I have even check on the reciept you have and the hard disk part number is not even from Dell and I suspect that they did not even contact Dell when they service your system for you.

As much as I would like to help you on this, I am regret to inform you that i cannot support a unit without service tag. Unless you can find out the service tag of your system, i am unable to support you.

Take care and have a nice day.

Thank you & best regards,
JC Khaw
DELL Global CSMB Services & Support
Technical Support Specialist(DT)

Excellent isn't it?

Report to the authority

Below is my email to the KPDNKK (Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives And Consumerism).Basically I wrote my complaints bout Dell and the shop (Ezytronic).

Salam Hormat.

Saya Muhammad Fahmi Taqiyuddin bin Saad, 8XXXXX-23-5765, beralamat di Nombor XX, Taman XXXXX XXXX, XXXXX XXXXXX, 82000, Pontian, Johor DT.

2-Pada bulan Julai 2009 saya telah membeli sebuah laptop Dell model XPS M1530 berharga kurang hampir RM 200 mencecah RM3000.00 daripada sebuah syarikat berkaitan komputer. Waranti setahun. Pada waktu dibeli saya tidak mengetahui apa yang saya perlu ketahui seperti 'service tag' pada laptop untuk rujukan jika berlaku apa-apa kerosakkan dimasa kelak dan pihak penjual tidak berniat memberitahu selain mencari keuntungan semata.

3-Pada bulan November 2010 yang lepas, laptop ini telah mengalami kerosakan dimana skrinnya tidak mengeluarkan apa-apa langsung(black screen) setelah peringkat 'loading'.

4-Saya melakukan carian di Google berkenaan isu ini dan mendapati isu ini berpunca daripada kerosakkan 'motherboard' atau papan induk laptop ini. Saya tambah terperanjat kerana mengetahui laptop model XPS M1530 ini telah mengalami kerosakan yang serupa diseluruh dunia selain kerosakkan-kerosakkan lain pada model yang sama(XPS M1530). Rujuk disini- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=329774967502

5-Punca kerosakkan laptop model XPS M1530 ini adalah kerana suhu yang terlampau tinggi hingga mengakibatkan kerosakkan 'internal part' termasuk papan induk.

6-Aduan saya disini ialah pihak Dell di Malaysia tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan dalam menangani masalah pelanggan yang membeli laptop model XPS M1530 ini. Mungkin pihak Dell boleh beralasan untuk melepaskan diri kerana saya membeli laptop model XPS M1530 ini pada pihak wakil penjual dan bukan melalui cara pembelian terus (online) dengan pihak Dell. Tetapi apa yang dibeli oleh saya ialah produk Dell. Bukan produk hasil pengeluaran wakil penjual. Maka logiknya segala rekabentuk dan pemasangan dilakukan oleh pihak Dell. Maka pihak Dell perlu bertanggungjawab diatas segala masalah produk mereka sendiri.

7-Saya cuba berikhtiar dengan menghubungi kedai tempat saya membeli dahulu tetapi mereka memberi alasan yang pelbagai terutama waranti yang telah tamat. Baik. Saya faham polisi mereka dan saya fikir kerana saya Melayu maka pihak pekedai (Cina) tidak kisah selain mencari untung semata. Maka disini adalah tanggungjawab Dell kerana mengeluarkan produk yang berisiko tinggi untuk rosak pada awalnya dan dibuktikan melalui kerosakkan yang hampir sama berlaku pada model XPS M1530 ini diseluruh dunia.

8-Saya faham pihak Kementerian mungkin tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa kerana ini melibatkan polisi pekedai dan pihak Dell dalam membuli pelanggan. Tetapi sila simpan maklumat berkenaan produk-produk yang 'faulty' sebegini dalam rekod pihak Kementerian agar dimasa depan tidak ada lagi pelanggan yang nasib tidak terbela seperti saya harapnya.

Terima kasih.

Muhammad Fahmi Taqiyuddin bin Saad

The story

I posted this below before in my other now private blog. Enjoy!

Summary; Unethical salesman + low quality of a high end laptop= customer got pawned

1-Bought this P.O.S(DELL XPS M1530) on July 2009 from a salesman(01755950*3) from Ezytronic(a shop name). At first very(2x) friendly with 10 free gifts to win my heart. Yeah. Epic. (From what I remembered this Ezytronic shop is based on Bukit Mertajam though when they send me a 500gb HDD replacement, the courier box come from an address in Subang Jaya. Now they have a shop in Lowyatt, KL. Check the Facebook. I already 'unlike' them due to no reply for my question. Read below for more info.)

2-I remember when I want to buy the laptop, I asked bout the repair services, the salesman (01755950*3) answered that I can just call Dell and the Dell technician will come to my place all around Malaysia. No problem at all. Sound nice eh? And now sh*t happened. No service tag and Dell wont give a damn. Just now(after a year) Ezytronic mentioned bout refurbish and new unit
. The salesman (01755950*3) just passing me to other person and never said sorry for my difficulty.

3-Cost me near to RM3K and 1 year warranty only.(Spec-4 gig RAM and 400gb HDD(later replaced to 500gb due to lousy original HDD) with Nvidia Geforce 256mb. Red Color).

4-Few weeks after, the AC adapter 3 pin plug got burnt. Contact Ezytronic(I contacted the guy who deliver me the laptop-already lost his number now) but to no avail(1st bad business ethic). Next 3 months, got dead HDD(got new one from Ezytronic after serious attempt (these where still under warranty at that time).

5-Warranty expired period- 3 months after expired, the motherboard died. Black screen problem after loading. Try several methods from Google but still nothing. Don't forget bout the dead speaker(less than a month after bought) and nonchargeable battery also(common problem with Dell. I know. I also got Dell Latitude C640.Got it from my Dad).

6-Contact the Dell Technical Support(1800880022) and they request 'service tag'. No. Ezytronic did not provide me with it. So I contact Ezytronic today(January 6th,2011) and still waiting. The salesman(01755950*3) promised to contact his Boss(why? cant you settle it yourself since you the one who sold it to me behalf of your company?)(2nd bad business ethic). Its okay to do business but please provide also good help on after sales service. Okay.I wait but not forever.

Lesson learned.

1-Do not buying any Dell's laptop.Or there will be a great regret.A VERY GREAT REGRET.

2-Should check everything when buy the laptop(service tag,warranty,etc).

3-Dell website just wanted to sell and they don't give a damn bout their customer once the product sold.At least on my case.


5-Don't buy any laptop in any PC FAIR(I bought it from Ezytronic in USM's PC/I.T Fair in July 2009) without serious consideration especially when your home was far distant with the particular shop where you purchased(in this case I live in Johor) and Ezytronic (now I know Ezytronic got a shop in Subang and one shop in Lowyat Plaza...but do you expect these fact will help?ermmm..) was far in the north...scary right once you got a problem with your purchase?).

6-Be careful with the salesman especially with sweet mouth and free gifts. Especially this man- (01755950*3)

p/s- Join this- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=329774967502 for more info regarding this excellent quality of Dell product.

UPDATE(January 8th 2011)- No help from Ezytronic except a long conversation with their in charge(not the irresponsible salesman((01755950*3),but a woman, she admit she is a 'madam' type when I asked,. An understandable woman. For that I give a credit.

She demand to see the laptop bill sheet after I explained my situation(bought July 09,warranty expired already,fair, I just wanted the 'service tag'only....means that I am ready to repair the MOBO with my own money by contacting Dell service and Dell will provide the MOBO and I will pay for the service and part. Clear isn't it?(remember that Dell wanted to know first the laptop's service tag or there will be no help(excellent service).I dont have it(service tag) and Ezytronic can't give a damn help. So now what? just let this customer turn away after you ate his near RM3K?).

Seems like there was no solution when we discussed,so I just said to her ,for consideration in the future, to make sure all of their salesman for not just only think of/make sales but should also provide the customer what they need to know bout their right. I already got pawned by these scumbags(the salesman(01755950*3) and Dell)

Ezytronic should mentioned what type of laptop;-refurbished or new unit at the 1st place right before the customer paid. (what? you expected the customer will automatically know all the matters themself?This is MY FIRST PURCHASED ON A NEW LAPTOP-DELL LAPTOP!!!Oh...it's an opportunity to con me?oooo)

Explained clearly that; If refurbished then have no service tag and if got problem later after warranty period what the customer have to do and whom to refer. Not just kicking the ball from one to one and another. (3rd bad business ethic)

Like I mentioned above, it's okay if you want to make business but be responsible with after sales service.

May God make you pay back.

The woman then suggest if I went back to Penang, I can just go to their place(Ezytronic) to sent the laptop for repair. Ishhhh......Come to Penang all over from Johor just to sent the laptop? (I dont believe with courier service...you expect RM3K fragile laptop can survived in more than 500km road trip?Want to open new territory for new problem? Not a chance. Ezytronic them self send their PEOPLE to deliver the laptop for me in Penang).

Now I don't know what to do. Even if I got money to repair, I still can't. Here in Pontian there is a place that sell laptop including Dell the Hell, but I believe they will also be asking bout 'service tag'.... so you already know where this all will go.

Update-I already report this to KPDNKK.And *= 2

Sabtu, 6 Ogos 2011

Why Dell?!

1-This again? No problem. Let me elaborate more.

2-When someone got something that looks cool, for sure everyone around also want one. You got Blackberry? I got also!(Kidding, I still use my old N70). You got I PAD? Wait next month, I will got one also!. You went to Hawaii?Low class, I will go to someplace better. The sun!!You got Dell? I also got one. Dell sticker!

Why Dell?

1-As I said in the earlier post, Dell is like creme de la creme brand here in Malaysia.At least here in my hometown, before this, no such brand (like Japanese) got a good exposure here. Acer? Haha.

2-Whenever someone have a Dell product, especially PC or laptop, automatically people (including me) will have a super cool/positive perception(wowww cool laptop/good design/must be expensive/ I do not dare to touch/I hate you(jealous)!!/When I grow up I will buy one/ I want Dell's laptop before I die/Why Dell is better than girl?,etc), so with Dell someone will turn like to be 'somebody' even if he or she never use MS Word before (!), whatever.



2-I don't remember when was the 1st time I heard or see any product by Dell. My first laptop is a Dell Latitude C640 which my Dad gave to me.

3-Built like a tank, except the power adapter cable, battery, keyboard and touch pad. I still use it(2011).

4-From that experience, I target that my next laptop will be a Dell also.

5-Here in my country, Dell is consider to be a superior brand. But not anymore.