1-My younger brother, which now reside in Putrajaya, took that POS with him there. In intention to get it repair by one of his friend (I am not sure what kind of job his friend is) since they are working in the multimedia computer whatever surround.Bingo.
2-Last week he gave me a call and told that friend of his suggested to change the motherboard (same tired old solution). 2nd part RM800 and new one RM1K.
3-No. I said no but thanks him, but still no. What's the point? The culprit is the NVIDIA chipset. Should change the faulty chipset 1st not the MOBO since it still working fine.
4-Yes, I know some people got burned MOBO(s) with this POS model, so there is a potential for a broken MOBO in the future since the root caused of problem is the NVIDIA chipset.
5-Screw Dell and NVIDIA. I made a promised myself I will never ever bought anything with these brand on it. EVER.